Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

Guided Tours for Groups and School Classes – Our Offers

Commemorating, remembering, learning at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

Every year more than 900 000 peop­le from all over the world visit this site. The Dach­au Con­cen­tra­ti­on Camp has be­co­me a sym­bol of the hor­rors of Na­tio­nal So­cia­list ter­ror. The me­mo­ri­al site is de­di­ca­ted to the re­mem­bran­ce of the vic­tims of these cri­mes.

The grounds of the Dachau Con­cen­tra­ti­on Camp Me­mo­ri­al Site, at the au­then­tic lo­ca­ti­on with his­to­ric and re­con­struc­ted buil­dings, ex­hi­bi­ti­ons and me­mo­ri­als, are spa­cious and com­plex. A per­so­nal tour with a qua­li­fied guide is best sui­ted for an ex­plo­ration of the memorial’s grounds and the mu­se­um. The gui­des are fa­mi­li­ar with the location, its his­to­ry and the his­to­rical back­ground. They are able to con­vey what hap­pe­n­ed here and what is still of con­cern to us today.

The Dach­au­er Forum is an in­sti­tu­ti­on of Ca­tho­lic Adult Edu­ca­ti­on in the district of Dach­au. Some 75 com­mit­ted and com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly qua­li­fied ci­ti­zens from Dach­au, Mu­nich and the sur­roun­ding area have ac­com­panied more than  300 000 vi­si­tors through the me­mo­ri­al site for more than 35 years.

Guided Tours at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

What our Educational Services offer you.

Depending on your interests we offer various educational services at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site: History shapes Identity and creates obligations. This fundamental belief is the basis for the work of over 75 fully trained Dachauer Forum tour guides in the Dachau Concentration camp memorial site for many years. We offer tours in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish (only upon request). Next to overview tours, we also offer thematic tours and digital formats on various topics. Thematic guided tours and study days include a guided overview tour of the memorial site, but exceed it in terms of content, method and duration. At numerous stops during the tour of the memorial site and during the subsequent reflexion period in a study room at the memorial site you will learn more deeply about a specific aspect of the history of National Socialism and how this relates to our own lives today.

Overview toursThematic guided tours

Contact persons

for tours at the Concentration Camp Memorial Site

Carolin Connerth

Carolin Connerth

Mitarbeiterin Verwaltung

Telefon: 08131 99688-0

Ines Blasenbreu

Ines Blasenbreu

Mitarbeiterin Verwaltung

Telefon: 08131 99688-15

Group Guided overview tours

General introduction

You will receive an overview on the history of the concentration camp, the people who were imprisoned here and their environment at authentic locations at the memorial site such as the former parade ground, the „Bunker“, the „Jourhaus“ entrance building, the crematorium, as well as the permanent exhibition. Some of the covered topics: The Nazi Era and the system of the concentration camps, the functions of the Dachau concentration camp, the prisoners and their fate, the daily routine in the concentration camp. Conversations and reflection with participants form part of the tour.

We offer tours in the following languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish (upon request)
Duration: about 2.5 hours
Cost per group and tour guide: 100.00 €


Thematic Guided Tours & Study Days

for Groups at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

The­matic gui­ded tours and study days in­clu­de a gui­ded overview tour of the me­mo­ri­al site, but exceed it in terms of con­tent, me­thod and duration. Your group can focus on a par­ti­cu­lar as­pect of the his­to­ry of Na­tio­nal So­cia­lism and learn lessons for the future at in­di­vi­du­al stops du­ring the tour and a reflexion period in a study room at the me­mo­ri­al site.

Lan­gua­ges: Ger­man, English
Du­ra­ti­on: The­matic gui­ded tour: 4 hours, Study day: 6 hours (in­clu­ding lunch break)
Cost per group and tour guide: The­matic gui­ded tour: 140 € , Study day: 190 €



for your visit

The Memorial Site
Opening hours daily from 9 AM to 5 PM, ad­mis­si­on free.
We re­com­mend vi­sit­ing the me­mo­ri­al site  from Sep­tem­ber to March, if pos­si­ble, as vi­si­tor numbers are ex­tre­me­ly high from April to July.

How to find us

  • by public transport from Munich (S2 Dachau / Petershausen / Altomünster, about 20 min from Munich central station to Dachau). For further information, please click here.
  • in Dachau by bus 726 (direction “Saubachsiedlung”) to the Concentration Camp Memorial Site (about 10 min)
  • or by car/coach
    Via the Autobahn A8 or A9; The Memorial Site is in Dachau-Ost and is well indicated with traffic signs. Next to the Memorial Site there is a parking area (with parking fees, to be paid in cash).
    For further information visit https://www.kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.de/en/your-visit/directions/

Adress information

Parking lot of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site: Alte Roemerstrasse 73, 85221 Dachau
Visitor Center, information desk and entrance to the Concentration Camp: Pater-Roth-Str. 2a, 85221 Dachau

Bibliography and Literature

  • Video film: “Dachau Concentration Camp“. The video film shown at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site can be used for preparation and follow-up. If you live in Bavaria the film can be taken out on loan from the Landesmediendienste Bayern (Media Services Bavaria): www.landesmediendienste-bayern.de, info@landesmediendienste-bayern.de, Tel. +49 (0)89/ 38 16 09 15


  • Barbara Distel, Wolfgang Benz, Das Konzentrationslager Dachau 1933-1945. Geschichte und Bedeutung, München: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung 1994.
  • Stanislav Zámeçník, Das war Dachau, Frankfurt/Main: Fischer TB 2006 [EA Luxemburg 2002].
  • Jean Bernard, Pfarrerblock 25487. Dachau 1941-42, Luxemburg: éditions Saint Paul 2004.
  • Max Mannheimer, Spätes Tagebuch: Theresienstadt – Auschwitz – Warschau – Dachau, Zürich/München: Pendo 2000.
  • Nico Rost, Goethe in Dachau, Berlin: Volk & Welt 1999 [EA 1948]

Literature in English

  • Dachau and the Nazi Terror (Volume 1): 1933 – 1945. Testimonies and Memories.
  • Dachau and the Nazi Terror (Volume 2): 1933 – 1945. Studies and Reports. Edited by Wolfgang Benz and Barbara Distel. Dachau, 2002.
  • Stanislav Zámeçník, That was Dachau 1933-1945, Fondation internationale de Dachau. Paris: le cherche midi, 2004
  • Online-offers of the Memorial Site
  • Gabriele Hammermann, Stefanie Pilzweger-Steiner, KZ-Gedenktätte Dachau. Ein Rundgang, München 2018.

Find more li­te­ra­tu­re in the book­shops at the me­mo­ri­al site.

The Tour Guides of Dachauer Forum

Our tour guides are citizens of Dachau, Munich and surrounding areas who contribute to the education service of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site in their free time and receive a fee per tour taken. They successfully passed a training course and attend continuous professional development events.

The current guides of the Dachauer Forum:

Emma Alborghetti, Giles Bennett, Karin Birnstiel, Viola Bögeholz-Rastelli, Verena Brunel, Claudia Buchfelder, Burger Stefan, Claudia Candidori-Girard, Kerstin Cser, Clarissa Cutillo, Dr. Doris Danzer, Karin Dinger-Tausche, Davida Düring, Franziska Düring, Angelika Eisenmann, Klara Hedwig Esters, Luisa Ferrero-Heinz, Brigitte Fiedler, Stefania Gavazza-Zuber, Sr. M. Elinor Grimm, Eva Gruberova, Michael Haas, Frédérique Hägele, Hans-Peter Hagedorn, Martina Henrici, Brigitte Hillreiner, Frank Hoffmeister, Bernhard Ismayr, Eba Jänsch, Dr. Tanja Jörgensen-Leuthner, Ilse Keßler, Nina Kiel, Dr. Monika Kraemer, Bernd Kroeger, Dr. Tobias Kroeger, Franz Kronseder, Julia Leithoff, Bettina Lerchenmüller, Monika Lücking, Lilly Maier, Raffaela Merlini Zanghi, Gerd Modert, Dr. Elly Ott, Dr. Christiane Otzdorff, Christine Plitt, Josef Pröll, Maurizia I. Puglia, Sabine Puhlfürst, Sibylle Reinicke, Zbigniew, Rejek Czaplicki, Dr. Jörn Retterath, Helmut Rez, Rebecca Ribarek, Anja Riedel, Hans-Peter Riemann, Antje
Roser-Huckle, Nina Schiffner, Lili Schlumberger-Dogu, Ludwig Schmidinger, Gisela Schober, Rosemarie Schreiner, Matthias Schüßler, Kilian Schultheiß, Diakon Klaus Schultz, Karin Schwenke, Bernhard Selmaier, Dr. Marc Stegherr, Nicole Steng, Hans Thiele, Stefan Treiber, Ulrich Unseld, Manuela Walenta, Samuel Whitehouse, Peter Wolter

Training Course for Tour Guides at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site

The Dachauer Forum offers training courses in cooperation with the education department of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site and the Max-Mannheimer Study Center. The participants are meticulously prepared for future work with the visitors of the memorial site. The duration of the course is about eight months and consists of three sections: Imparting and acquisition of a knowledge base and practical aspects of memorial site education (approx. five months), accompanying experienced tour guides (approx. two months) and conducting a tour with expert evaluation.

Those who successfully complete the course are permitted to conduct tours of the Memorial Site for the three course convening organisations. After corresponding further training, they can also offer seminars. Interested candidates with very good language skills in English, French, Italian and Spanish are particularly encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in more information or if you are considering attending the next training course, please write to fuehrungen@dachauer-forum.de or give us a call.